Optic neuritis anti mog
Optic neuritis anti mog

optic neuritis anti mog

Ophthalmology Unit, Pierre Paul Riquet/Purpan University Hospital, Toulouse, France Ophthalmology Unit, University Hospital, Bordeaux, France Xavier Ayrignac, Clarisse Carra Dallière & Pierre Labauge

optic neuritis anti mog

Neurology Unit, University Hospital, Montpellier, France Radiology Unit, Pierre Paul Riquet/Purpan University Hospital, Toulouse, France

optic neuritis anti mog optic neuritis anti mog

Service de neurologie B4, Bâtiment Pierre-Paul Riquet, CHU Purpan, Place du Dr Baylac, TSA 40031, 31059, Toulouse Cedex 9, France Wingerchuk DM, Banwell B, Bennett JL, Cabre P, Carroll W, Chitnis T, de Seze J, Fujihara K, Greenberg B, Jacob A, Jarius S, Lana-Peixoto M, Levy M, Simon JH, Tenembaum S, Traboulsee AL, Waters P, Wellik KE, Weinshenker BG (2015) International consensus diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. Part 4: afferent visual system damage after optic neuritis in MOG-IgG-seropositive versus AQP4-IgG-seropositive patients. Pache F, Zimmermann H, Mikolajczak J, Schumacher S, Lacheta A, Oertel FC, Bellmann-Strobl J, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Reindl M, Waldman A, Soelberg K, Asgari N, Ringelstein M, Aktas O, Gross N, Buttmann M, Ach T, Ruprecht K, Paul F, Brandt AU (2016) MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients. Part 2: epidemiology, clinical presentation, radiological and laboratory features, treatment responses, and long-term outcome. Jarius S, Ruprecht K, Kleiter I, Borisow N, Asgari N, Pitarokoili K, Pache F, Stich O, Beume LA, Hummert MW, Ringelstein M, Trebst C, Winkelmann A, Schwarz A, Buttmann M, Zimmermann H, Kuchling J, Franciotta D, Capobianco M, Siebert E, Lukas C, Korporal-Kuhnke M, Haas J, Fechner K, Brandt AU, Schanda K, Aktas O, Paul F, Reindl M, Wildemann B (2016) MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 87(4):446–448. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.3602Īkaishi T, Sato DK, Nakashima I, Takeshita T, Takahashi T, Doi H, Kurosawa K, Kaneko K, Kuroda H, Nishiyama S, Misu T, Nakazawa T, Fujihara K, Aoki M (2016) MRI and retinal abnormalities in isolated optic neuritis with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein and aquaporin-4 antibodies: a comparative study. Martinez-Hernandez E, Sepulveda M, Rostasy K, Hoftberger R, Graus F, Harvey RJ, Saiz A, Dalmau J (2015) Antibodies to aquaporin 4, myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, and the glycine receptor alpha1 Subunit in patients with isolated optic neuritis. doi: 10.1212/01.Īkaishi T, Nakashima I, Takeshita T, Mugikura S, Sato DK, Takahashi T, Nishiyama S, Kurosawa K, Misu T, Nakazawa T, Aoki M, Fujihara K (2016) Lesion length of optic neuritis impacts visual prognosis in neuromyelitis optica. Matiello M, Lennon VA, Jacob A, Pittock SJ, Lucchinetti CF, Wingerchuk DM, Weinshenker BG (2008) NMO-IgG predicts the outcome of recurrent optic neuritis. Mader S, Gredler V, Schanda K, Rostasy K, Dujmovic I, Pfaller K, Lutterotti A, Jarius S, Di Pauli F, Kuenz B, Ehling R, Hegen H, Deisenhammer F, Aboul-Enein F, Storch MK, Koson P, Drulovic J, Kristoferitsch W, Berger T, Reindl M (2011) Complement activating antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in neuromyelitis optica and related disorders. Part 1: frequency, syndrome specificity, influence of disease activity, long-term course, association with AQP4-IgG, and origin. Jarius S, Ruprecht K, Kleiter I, Borisow N, Asgari N, Pitarokoili K, Pache F, Stich O, Beume LA, Hummert MW, Trebst C, Ringelstein M, Aktas O, Winkelmann A, Buttmann M, Schwarz A, Zimmermann H, Brandt AU, Franciotta D, Capobianco M, Kuchling J, Haas J, Korporal-Kuhnke M, Lillevang ST, Fechner K, Schanda K, Paul F, Wildemann B, Reindl M (2016) MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients.

Optic neuritis anti mog